Sunday, March 10, 2013

3-way conferencing

Dear Parents/Carers,

Today in the communication book, I sent home a letter regarding 3-way conferencing planned for next week. Please write your preferred time in the communication book, I will then be able to allocate slots. The conferencing sheets will be sent home on Tuesday 11th March for you to fill the questionnaire in.

The 3-way conferencing will allow you to hear what your child feels about their own learning and will also give us an opportunity to discuss you child's next steps.

I look forward to speaking with you all.

Many thanks,

Miss Widdison

Times taken so far:

Tuesday 19th March
2.30pm, 3.00pm, 3.30pm

Wednesday 20th March

Example of Child's Conferencing Sheet


  1. Dear Hannah,
    Sarah forgot her communication book today. Can I ask for an appointment through the blog? If so, can we meet Tuesday 3:30 or Wednesday 6:00?
    Please let me know.
    Many thanks

  2. Dear Sophie,

    Of course, I'll make an appointment for you at 3.30pm on Tuesday 19th March.

    I really look forward to discussing Sarah's progress with you.

    Have a lovely evening,


  3. Dear Hannah,
    You don't know how I wish that you could be my TeAcHeR In YeAr 3.

    love Sarah

  4. Aww if it was up to me I'd teach you forever but I look forward to hearing how well you do in every year!

