Saturday, November 10, 2012

2B are famous!

Well done have had over 2000 visits to your blog. All of the ideas, hard work and dedication are paying off! Now lets see how long it takes us to reach 3000!

From, Miss Widdison :)


  1. Dear MIss Widdison,

    Im happy because our blog has 2000 visits, i hope we can reach to 10000 visits...
    thank you

  2. Well done 2B your Blog is very informative and I love seeing what happens in the secret world of a GEMS Wellington Year 2 student! Kirstie (Edward's Mum)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Noura - let's see if we can reach 10,000 by the end of the year!

    Dear Kirstie,
    Thank you for leaving us a wonderful comment. We are learning about The Tin Forest at the moment, it's a great story about hope. Please keep leaving comments, we really enjoy reading them.
    From, 2B

  5. Its great to learn about everything that you do in 2B class. Thanks for sharing with us. We are really enjoy!Elnara(Mayil's mum)

  6. Dear Ms Widdison
    Its so nice to view the 2b class blog every day.Thanks for sharing with us (Mayil's mum)
