Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Learning in Year 3

Hi All,

During parents evening, a few people asked me about what their children would be learning in Year 3 as they wanted to make a start over the summer break (great idea!)

I have compiled a list below that should help.

These are the objectives that will be covered in Maths when you start Year 3.

Solve one–step and two–step problems involving numbers, money or measures, including time, choosing and carrying out appropriate calculations
Describe and explain methods, choices and solutions to puzzles and problems, orally and in writing, using pictures and diagrams
Read, write and order whole numbers to at least 1000 and position them on a number line; count on from and back to zero in single–digit steps or multiples of 10
Partition three–digit numbers into multiples of 100, 10 and 1 in different ways
Round two–digit or three–digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100 and give estimates for their sums and differences
Derive and recall all addition and subtraction facts for each number to 20, sums and differences of multiples of 10 and number pairs that total 100
Add or subtract mentally combinations of one–digit and two–digit numbers
Develop and use written methods to record, support or explain addition and subtraction of two–digit and three–digit numbers
Derive and recall multiplication facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 times–tables and the corresponding division facts; recognise multiples of 2, 5 or 10 up to 1000
Multiply one–digit and two–digit numbers by 10 or 100, and describe the effect
Use practical and informal written methods to multiply and divide two–digit numbers (e.g. 13×3, 50÷4); round remainders up or down, depending on the context

And for English, some of the objectives are:

Write sentences in the order that they have been planned.     
Group related material into paragraphs.          
Organise ideas and related points into paragraphs.
Make language choices appropriate to different text types. Consider and select from alternative choices.
Use specific vocabulary, varying nouns, verbs and adjectives.
Use a developing range of adjectives, adverbs, verbs and nouns in writing to engage the reader.
Begin to demonstrate consistency in the use of first or third person and tense when writing simple sentences.           
Use a range of verbs, nouns and adjectives for impact.            
Use a range of adjectives, adverbs, verbs, nouns and noun phrases in writing and consider the impact on the reader.
Identify key themes and give reasons for events in stories, selecting relevant information from the text.
Identify basic features of writers’ use of language, e.g. where language is used to create mood and build tension.
Discuss the actions of main characters and justify views with reference to the text.
Locate relevant information to find answers to simple questions.
Show awareness of and use a range of organisation features.
Show understanding of and identify the main point of a section of text. Extract information from the text.


Monday, June 17, 2013

My lovely 2B....

Dear 2B,

How are you? I hope you are all happy, working hard and having fun with Mrs Spaans. At the moment I'm in Durham. Can you find out some facts about Durham Cathedral?

Miss you all!

Miss W :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Homework Books

This week, please concentrate on Times Tables for Maths homework.

I will collect homework books in on Monday 24th June. They DO NOT need to be in school before then.

Thank you.

Any questions, I will reply to my e-mail throughout next week.

Many thanks.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Make a quiz up about a famous author...just like we did today on Roald Dahl and Quentin Blake. Don't forget to research first!

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Hi All,

Next week the children will be collaging images of Roald Dahl. We really need some extra material to allow the children to have lots to choose from. Please send it any fabric, sweet wrappers, tin foil, baking paper, wrapping paper etc.

Thank you so much!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Snow White

To watch the Year 2 performance of Snow White click here - what superstars they are!

English Homework

Write facts about the very talented Quentin Blake, start by looking at his official website click here

You can choose to present your work anyway you'd like!

Quentin Blake Jigsaw

Can you solve the pizzle? Click here to try

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Maths Homework 4th June

Maths homework is to choose a Times Tables that you aren't confident with and learn it. A partner will test you on these next week...

Saturday, June 1, 2013


I am away from Sunday 16th June - Monday 24th June. 2B will have a wonderful teacher in my place. When I return, I will hold two parents evenings on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th June. More details will follow.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Keishi's Medal

Wow - Keishi won a medal in karate. We are all very proud!


Monday, May 27, 2013


Yesterday we went to see George's Marvellous Medicine at the theatre and we LOVED it! It was so funny and magical...


Homework 28th May

Sunday, May 26, 2013

This way, that way

This week, we have been giving directions to each other. Building on what we learnt in Year 1 (forwards, backwards, sideways), we have learnt to use words, such as: left, right, clockwise, anti-clockwise, quarter turn, half turn...

Can you give directions from your bathroom to the kitchen? Think carefully...




We are so excited about seeing George's Marvellous Medicine at the theatre tomorrow. Please refer to the note in communication books regarding snacks. Children are allowed a sandwich and a bottle of water. Unfortunately we are not allowed to take anything else in with us due to potential mess. However, we will be back to school in time for lunch!

Any questions, please get in touch...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Homework 21st May 2013

English Homework:

This week we would like you to write a Setting description for the picture below. We

would like you to focus on what we have been learning in class:

Interesting adjectives
Different openers


Correct punctuation

Ensuring it makes sense

To help you write your setting description, we would like you to think of your senses

whilst describing the picture.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Some more from Science week....

Today we learnt how friction slows objects down and what happens when mentos and diet pepsi are mixed!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


For homework this week please do the Maths questions below. For Literacy, please write a letter character description of Fantastic Mr. Fox. Remember to include as many adjectives as possible.

In one part of the book, it describes Badger's face as a 'long black pointed furry face'

Can you describe Mr. Fox also using four adjectives?!

Extension: If you'd like additional homework, please complete another Science experiment from www.sciencekids.co.nz

Thank you!

Oranges - float or sink?

We found out that a whole orange floats, half an orange floats. However, when you peel the skin off the the orange sinks.

Why is this?

Unexpected outcome: When Miss Widdison cross-cut the skin on a piece of orange it floated but flipped over!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Maths time!

1. Annabel has 6 roses, 4 tulips and 3 daffodils.  How many does she have altogether?
2. Umair has 9 toy tucks in each box. He has 2 boxes. How many trucks does he have altogether?
3. Write the answer. 4 + 3 + 7 + 2 =
4. Write the missing number 45 + .... =  55
5. Write the answer 19 + 32 =
6. 29 is between .... and .....
7. 28 children went on a school trip. 14 ate apples and the rest ate a banana each. How many children ate bananas?
8. Half of 20?
9. Half of 16?
10. Name 5 numberbonds to 10.
11. Write a property of a pyramid.
12. In a purse there are four coins: 10p, 10p, 20p and 2p. How much is there altogether?
13. From the same purse, a 20p coin is dropped. How much does the purse contain now?

Slippy Shoes

Which shoes were slippiest? Why do you think this was? Tomorrow we will write our conclusion!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Clay Manipulation

We manipulated clay into foxes and hedgehogs!


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dressing up for Science week...

To clear up any confusion.

Monday 13th June - Children come dressed as scientists, in full costume with accessories. This is the only day they need to dress up and they can come to school in their costume and leave it on throughout the day.

IF your child would like to, they may leave their white coat only to put on at other times during the week when we carry-out experiments.

If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Mad Science

We really enjoyed the displays by mad science...we learnt about chemical reactions and forces!


Maths questions...

1. Write the number between 21 and 22.
2. Write the number that comes after 17.
3. Write the sum of 6 and 14.
4. At the shop, all the boxes of ice-cream cost the same. Sam buys two boxes. He pays 40p. How much does one box cost?
5. How may right angles does a square have?
6. In a chart: 6 children like red, 4 like blue, 7 like green and 8 like yellow. How many children were in the chart?
7. 10p, 10p, 10p, 10p, 10p, 10p. How much?
8. 3,1,4,2,6 Use these numbers to make the number sentences correct
       7+ .... = 10         10 - .... = 4
9. Write the answers:
         5 + 10 =
       15 + 10 =
       25 + 10 =
10. Name a shape that has 5 corners.
11. Add more fives until the total is 30.    5 + 5 + 5 +
12.   ...... x 10 = 60
13. There are 5 apples in each pack. Mrs Kathy buys 3 packs of apples. How many apples does she buy?
14. Write the correct sign in the space.

       57  ...    26 = 83
       41  ... 17 =  24
       49       49 = 0
15. The bust left for school at 6am. It took 1 hour and 30 minutes to arrive. What time did it arrive?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Let the force be with you...

In Science our current topic is Forces, click here to flick through a lovely presentation that explains forces.

Homework 7th May

It's science week next week! So our homework is linked to investigating...
Also, on Monday 13th May the school will be dressing up as scientists, what will you wear?!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Exciting Trip

Year 2 ‘Amazing Authors’ Trip

Monday 27thth  May 2013

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

This term Year 2’s topic celebrates ‘Amazing Authors’ and Roald Dahl’s classic children’s stories continue to be a firm favourite with the students. They have enjoyed reading Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Twits and The Enormous Crocodile. We are now delighted to have the opportunity to see a stage production of ‘Georges Marvelous Medicine’ at Centrepoint Theatre, DUCTAC, Mall of the Emirates on Monday 27th  (classes 2A-2E).

The performance begins at 8.45am therefore the children will leave school at 8.00am and return at approximately 11.00am. The total cost of the trip will be 115 Dhs which includes bus transfers to and from the show.  Each child will also be allowed to bring a snack to eat during the interval, however please note: only cold sandwiches and water will be permitted in the theatre.  This should be packed in a disposable bag.  Children should also wear their full school uniform.

For your child to take part in this trip, please sign the permission slip below and return with full payment by Monday 13th May.  Please place all monies in a clearly marked envelope.  If you have any further questions I will be happy to assist you.

Character descriptions

This week we are learning even more adjectives to describe characters. Click here to read a list of adjectives.
Do you know what they mean? If not, can you investigate the meaning?
Can you put them into a sentence?

Saturday, May 4, 2013


As you can all feel, the temperature is rising! PLEASE remember your water bottles and sun hats, it is extremely important to look after your body.

Spellings wc 5th May

Taken from Fantastic Mr. Fox

Set 1:


Set 2:


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mr. Fox

We are currently reading Fantastic Mr. Fox and became so interested in foxes that we decided to research information and facts about foxes. When researching we learnt about nocturnal animals.

Find out more about nocturnal animals by clicking here

Monday, April 29, 2013

Maths tasks...

Here's a few questions for you to work on... (think about how you are working them out)

1. Write the number between 24 and 26.
2. At the shop, all packets of crisps cost the same. Sally buys 2 packets. She pays 60p. How much does 1 packet cost?
3. Work out the sum of 13 and 6
4. Draw a shape with a right angle
5. Imagine a number line. What is halfway between 13 and 21?
6. There is a set of 14 pencils. How many is half the set?
7. There is 51p in Ann's purse. She spends 10p. How much is left?
8. Write down all of the letters in the alphabet (CAPITALS) that use only straight lines.
9. 23, 54, 21, 16, 37. Which of these numbers are even?
10. 56, 52, 46, 42, 36, ......., ........., 22, 16, 12
11. Complete these sums:
                  25     ?     17 = 8
                  10     ?      3 =  30
                  12     ?      4 =  8
12. 37 + 29 =
13. 3 children need 7 counters each. How many counters do they need altogether?
14. 18 is 1 less than  ?         18 is 10 less than   ?
15. 5 x 4 = 10 x ?
16. 49 divided by 7 = ?
17. Write the answer     64 - 36 =
18. John is 108cm tall. Karem is 139cm tall. How much taller is Karem than John?
19. Umair has 2pounds. He buys 2 drinks costing 40p each. How much money does he have left?
20. There are 100 drinking straws in a box. There are 4 colours of straws. There is the same number of each colour. How many of each colour are in a box?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Homework Task 1, wc 28th April

I can take notes using a specific note taking format

In class this week, we have learning about the different ways of taking notes:
 1.    Diagrams

 2.   Headings



 3.   Mind Mapping

 4.   Flow chart

Now you need to choose your favourite animal/insect.

Next using books/internet read all about it.

Then choose which style of note taking you prefer and make notes making sure you use all the important facts of your chosen animal/insect.

EXTENSION: Now try turning your notes into a report!